About us

Are you feeling lost in life? It might be caused by a struggeling relationship, which makes you doubt on yourself. It might be, you are in the career phase, you felt the ceiling of your personal development , but you don't know what can be done to move forward.Have you been in the situation of being depressed, whether you felt grey about your life and future?

Peace Mind is a platform, where people can support each other to achieve the inner peace, take back the control of the life.

For people who are facing relatioship issue, depression, or other mental health issue, can request talk with professional therapist or cacual talk with people, who wenth through similair situation in life.

For people who are willing to share coaching, can offer coach to support another people to go through the difficult situation in the life.

Meet the team behind

Lingwei Li


Ling Xu

Technical Co-founder
